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  • Ishitaa Bagaria


It seems like everyone is praising the Keto diet these days. More than just a diet high in fat consumption, it is evolving to become a lifestyle. Keto has become the latest big thing amongst weight-loss plans, promoted by celebrities such as Kim Kardashian West. As a general weight loss plan, Keto is quite controversial and can be very harmful if it is not implemented in a proper manner.

So, what is Keto or a Ketogenic diet?

To put your body into a state called ‘Ketosis’, a Keto diet requires you to follow an extremely low-carb diet which is rich in fat. Ketosis is a metabolic state which helps your body become highly efficient in burning fat. This occurs when due to lack of blood sugar circulation in the body, there is a breakdown of fat.

Keto foods such as green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and fresh fish, are high in alkaline content. Most Keto diets limit the intake of carbohydrates. For calorie intake, people usually stick to the below given ratios:

· 55-70% from fat

· 25-35% from protein

· 5-10% from carbs.

Before jumping into this form of diet, make sure you are aware about the side effects of Keto:

1. The Keto Flu:

Due to a sudden change in dietary habits, many people face side effects. When one transitions into Ketosis, these side effects are known as ‘keto flu’. Common symptoms include:

· Insomnia

· Nausea

· Headaches

· Fatigue

Most people are already aware about the Keto Flu and these symptoms last for about a week.

To minimize these symptoms, one needs to drink a lot of water and get good rest.

2. Yo-Yo Effect:

People find it difficult to stay on a restrictive diet. They can easily regain their lost weight if they go back to their regular diet and this regained weight may have negative effects such as abdominal fat accumulation, high diabetes and increased mortality risks.

3. Ketoacidosis:

Ketosis can trigger a highly dangerous condition called Ketoacidosis (causes blood to become highly acidic), as well as episodes of hypoglycaemia.

Due to the lack of carbohydrates in Keto diet, the body has an extremely low blood sugar level. If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you shouldn’t at any cost, follow a Keto diet without a doctor’s consultation and supervision.

Ketoacidosis has also been reported in people who do not have diabetes and its symptoms include:

· Dry mouth

· Breathing difficulty

· Nausea

· Bad breath

4. Loss of muscle mass, decrease in metabolism and reduced athletic performance:

Another major consequence of weight change related to Keto is that there is a loss of muscle mass due to intake of more fat than protein. Since muscle burns fat, loss of muscle adversely affects the metabolism rate. Due to the highly acidic body state, athletic performances may be hindered.

5. Increased risk of heart and kidney problems:

Due to a shortage of electrolytes during a keto diet, there is a loss of sodium, magnesium and potassium in the body which can make people prone to kidney problems such as kidney stones.

As electrolytes are important for the normal beating of the heart, the dieter is also at a risk of cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).

6. Nutritional Deficiencies:

Heath experts are concerned that the high intake of fats which comes along with the Keto diet, can have long-term negative effects. A Keto diet is restrictive towards certain fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. Without these foods, people on the diet miss out on vitamins, fibre and minerals. Loss of these essential nutrients causes significant impact on long term health, such as loss in bone-strength and high risk of chronic diseases.

It is important that you do not follow a Keto diet simply because it is a trend being followed by many around you. The internal composition of a human body differs from person to person. A Keto Diet can be of benefit to others, but harmful for you. You never know the negative health implications that may impact you. Therefore, do your own research before starting it. And before deciding to follow any such diet, always consult a dietitian or nutritionist or a medical practitioner. You could also consider a healthier and more beneficial alternative to Keto, such as Intermittent Fasting.

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