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  • Ritwikh Kanwar

The Quarantine Life: Workout from Home

Updated: Sep 29, 2020

This pandemic is like a novel, until the very last page you don’t know how it will end. With that being said stop wasting your time thinking about when the pandemic will get over and give me 30.

Lock-down Mantra: No Gym, No Problems.

Many years from now you are going to look back to this atrocious year and you are going to remember it differently from how you feel right now, because by the time you are done reading this, you will realize what wonderful time it is to work on yourself and inspire others around you.

I bet majority of us had already made plans to utilize this time and work on those six packs but owing to how disciplined we all are, it didn’t work out. I am not going to teach you about discipline but how to actually go about the Quarantine Workout. Not only working out keeps you stay in shape but more importantly it actually helps boosting your immunity and makes you feel good about yourself since our body releases something called Endorphins or the happy drug, as I like to call it.

So I am going to cover 4 easy tips to stay fit during this pandemic and fight those physical challenges and also talk about some of the Apps you could use while you're at it. It’s important to track progress!

4 Tips to stay Fit and Lit during the Quarantine:

Tip No. 1:

Gear up your Runs and Walks: First of all, getting outside your house is the best feeling ever, I just feel like never going back honestly but on a serious note going outside to exercise helps your body connect to your mind and the nature. So Step 1, get out. Step 2, you should develop this habit of not repeating your runs or walks, instead try and keep the whole routine fun by setting new goals and meet new challenges everyday even if it is doing 100 meters extra or finishing 10 seconds earlier than you had planned. Although please do not forget to carry your mask, do not wear it while running otherwise you’ll be left with no lungs and make sure you come back home and sanitize.

Tip No. 2:

Yeah! A Bodyweight Sesh: You don’t need the gym or the weights you find at the gym to get a decent training session. You can easily do it at home and feel the burn by a light cardio and a high intensity interval circuit.

Do check out this 14 minute video by Chris Heria:

Tip No. 3:

Next up, Fitness Test: This is honestly the most fun thing to do, you can easily find challenges online to test your

limits and you will ripped in less than 40 days if you do them regularly. It does help a lot when it comes to building your core or increasing flexibility or a superior arm tone for that matter. A lot of apps these days focus on completing daily challenges and which one to choose from will be covered in the next tip.

Tip No. 4:

Download the best Quarantine App for FREE! : There are so many applications to choose from that one might end up not installing anything only. Don’t worry I am here to help you choose what is best for you. Here is a list of the best apps you could use for a workout and track your progress without spending a dime:

  • Nike Training Club: Yes while most of you must be already using this, only a few explore it to its full potential. This powerful workout app is available for both iOS and Android users with custom workouts designed and monitored by experts for you. It is a great app to track your progress as well with a striving community of people who keep pushing you to do more.

  • Fitbod: Although this app is paid but good news, owing to the pandemic it’s free to use now! It too offers personalized workouts depending on your abilities and does keep up with the past training sessions in order to focus on newer muscle groups.

  • Home Workout by Leap Fitness: I will have to write another blog to cover the number things this App has to offer. It is available on Google’s Play Store and it was the editors’ choice as well with a sick 4 week challenge At Home! It has a training plan to offer for Abs, Chest, Arm and full body with coaching tips for all muscle groups and you can even set the level from beginner to advance. It keeps a track of your progress and you can set goals by tracking your weight, BMI, Calories etc.

  • Yoga with Adriene: While a lot of people do not exactly prefer doing Yoga but it is the most powerful way to connect with your mind and stay fit. It goes a long way when it comes to the benefits offered with regard to the physical as well as mental well-being. One of the highest rated apps, it is important to focus on your mental activity and not let stress take over. It is a great app for Yoga enthusiasts and I would recommend using the same. It has over 500 videos which are free and there are plenty available on YouTube as well.

Just because you can’t get to the gym, it doesn’t mean you can’t focus on your body and welfare from home. You need to take this time to push yourself and try new training sessions irrespective of the fact you fail or succeed. You never know, you might end up finding a darling by the time everything is back to normal.

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