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  • Rishi Sharma

Say Cheese-Cake!

We are given one body in this lifetime, and it is upon us how good we take care of it. As more and more food blogs pop up, the industry becomes more saturated with recipes, videos and DIYs.

However, it means that you can easily get caught in the 'innovation trap'. Ranging from vegan, gluten free, non-dairy and what not recipes, or rather lifestyles to follow, we often find ourselves lost. Well, here we should make peace with ourselves and try to adopt ways which we find comfortable, feasible and something that we really want.

We often omit what lies right in front of us and instead get attracted to go in for food that is trending or creates a buzz on our Instagram feed, and that is exactly why we are here to help you with idea and recipes with ingredients that are readily available in every kitchen or take about a minute to fetch.

Cheesecake is a soulful dessert and almost every foodies’ weakness. However, indulgence does not mean a high calorie content intake, but can also be made healthy and nutritious.

The Cinnamon Cottage Cheesecake is made with hung curd, cottage cheese, cinnamon and honey while replacing cream cheese, mascarpone cheese, heavy cream and sugar. It is not just a low on carbs, fats and gluten free dish but at the same time is super delicious, appetizing as well as easy on the pocket.

A Kiwi Marmalade can be used for topping and flavoring and that too can be made using jaggery for caramelization instead of making it with sugar.

The Cheesecake has cottage cheese, hung curd, cinnamon and kiwi marmalade as the key ingredients. Cottage Cheese is rich in Protein, Strengthens bones and teeth, Maintains blood sugar levels, Improves digestion, is a rich source of Vitamin B-complex, and also Boosts weight loss. Hung Curd is healthy for digestion, it improves immunity against day to day airborne diseases, Helps maintain healthy and radiant skin and is extremely hydrating. Cinnamon too is loaded with antioxidants, has powerful medicinal properties and acts as an immunity booster to fight against viruses especially considering the current pandemic situation, it possesses Anti-inflammatory properties, Cuts down risk of heart disease, Has a powerful Anti-diabetic effect and last but not the least it Helps fight Bacterial and Fungal infections. A rich source of Vitamin C, Kiwi helps boost the immune system, Aids digestion, Helps treat asthma, Helps manage blood pressure, Reduces blood clotting and also Protects against vision loss. Jaggery Prevents constipation, Acts as a detox, it is loaded with antioxidants and minerals like Zinc and Selenium. Honey too is rich in antioxidants, helps improve cholesterol, Promotes internal healing due to its anti-inflammatory properties and is any day a much better substitute for sugar

The Pandemic has certainly taught us to be self-reliant in every aspect, be it getting the home chores done, managing time to balance both our professional and personal life and obviously to cook and relish delicious as well as healthy dishes.

One of the go to options in such a case can be pushing out dishes which don't involve hours of preparation and then the added cooking time. Grabbing a loaf of sourdough from the supermarket, a box of fresh microgreens along with either lettuce, Arugula leaves, basil or cabbage, tossing a few vegetables like capsicum, mushrooms, onion, cherry tomatoes along with some butter, salt, pepper and garlic and you can create a 5 minute super healthy and scrumptious meal. The sourdough is a better substitute for the regular milk bread and feels light on the stomach. The microgreens are packed with nutrients and most of the varieties are rich in potassium, zinc, iron and magnesium, they are also a great source of antioxidants. Mushrooms are high in protein and Vitamin D, they are also a good source of B12, mushrooms are a great plant based substitute. Such toppings usually form a highly nutritious and wholesome meal and Do not require spending endless hours in the kitchen.

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